We have seen and done so much since the last post...I want to get caught up! After Bon Echo Park we passed through Toronto--too big--drove on to Quebec City--oh and on the way Don found Costco. Of course, we had to stop! We didn't know that everything would be in French once we got into Quebec--every sign, every book, every newspaper...everything! The countryside is beautiful--every home is very neat and tidy. In Quebec City we found a very nice little hotel inside the walls. Quebec City is the only walled city in North America and it is a beautiful and interesting place.
Next was New Brunswick...we drove to Fundy National Park and got a wonderful campsite. Fundy Bay is very interesting because the tide is amazing. At low tide it drops as much as 50 feet! After a hike on Coppermine Trail, we went to Hopewell Rocks where you can kayak at high tide and walk on the ocean floor at low tide. At dinner we fixed some sucre mais (sweet corn) that we had bought at a road side booth. It was delicious--SO sweet and tender. After a to Dickson Falls we broke camp and headed south. We camped along the way and walked along a beach at low tide. I found 5 sand dollars!
At this point we did something very unplanned...we took a ferry to Grand Manan Island. It was a 90 minute ride. I had read about it and wanted to go mainly to go on a whale watching trip. We were very thankful that we could get a campsite at Hole in the Wall Campground. Some of the campsites are literally right on the cliffside, but they were all taken. I got on a boat at the last minute and off I went to look for whales. We saw huge (40-60 feet long) Humpbacks and some fin whales blowing off in the distance. It was really fun. We were out for 4 1/2 hours. The next morning we hiked to the Hole in the Wall (formed along the cliffs by the water) and got back on the ferry to the mainland.
Now we are in Bar Harbor. Yesterday we were blessed with a beautiful double rainbow. We walked around the shops and had dinner. After 5 nights of camping, a motel was nice! Rain is expected this week which will, unfortunately, shorten our visit to Acadia Natl Park. I am anxious to get into the park!
Here are a few pictures
Sure do miss these grandkids! |
Camping with wine and wifi--not too rough! |
Hopewell Rocks, New Brunswick |
Hopewell Rocks Flower Pots formations |
At high tide the water would be WAY over Don's head! |
Our tent in Fundy National Park, New Brunswick |
Are we PACKED IN or what? |
Dickson Falls |
Looking for shells and sand dollars |
Humpback Whale Tail! |
Sunrise over Grand Manan Island |
Hole in the Wall, Grand Manan |
Rainbow over Acadia National Park |
How fun! Looks like you are having a great time. Can't wait to see more pictures. I am sure it will be a place you will recommend to people for years to come. Love you two!!