Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Tuesday evening....we just got back to our campground after our trek up to Sperry Chalet.  What a great group of friends to share this adventure with!  We left out early Sunday morning in the rain for the 6.4 mile hike UP to Sperry Chalet--and I do mean up--every step was up, up, up.  We couldn't see too much for all the low-lying clouds, but we made it up about 3 p.m.  We were SO wet!  After shedding our wet clothes and  hanging them around the pot-belly stove to dry.  There was so much fog that the visibility was about 10 feet!  We couldn't appreciate the beauty that was around us because we couldn't see it!  After enjoying Thanksgiving dinner at Sperry Chalet we looked outside and the clouds were clearing.  We could see beautiful mountains and scenery!   Monday morning we woke up to a beautiful day and after breakfast we headed up to Sperry Glacier.  It was 3.7 miles UP (again).  I don't have the words to tell you what an amazing hike it was...waterfalls, glacial lakes, mountains with the fresh snow from the day before.  I hope you can get an idea from the pictures.  After lunch at the glacier, we  headed down and enjoyed the hike down just as much. 

After dinner, we played Trivial Pursuit.  Oh, Sperry Chalet has NO electricity, No heat, No running water!  We kind of roughed it.  There was a very nice self-composting toilet building though.  They do all the cooking on propane stoves and have propane lights in the dining hall. 

We had all decided that we would take the long hike out (over 13 miles) instead of taking the same hike that we did up to Sperry.  It would be long, but we would have some beautiful trails and scenery.  Then when we woke up this morning--it was sleeting!  So we changed plans and took the short route.  It was still a very nice hike and we could see more than we could going up.

So...I would recommend putting Sperry Chalet on your bucket list--if that is "your thing."  It is a very unique and special place.  The people who work there are so nice and love being there and serving their guests.

Tomorrow Don and I, Ann and David head to the east side of the park.  We will spend a few more days hiking.  Then Don and I will head north to Canada.  I'll post again when we have internet!

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